D R E A M D A Z E Booking Information
If you are interested in booking DREAMDAZE,
contact DJ Dazed via:
- email at dreamdaze@dreamdaze.org
- phone at 800-998-4008
- fax at 847-676-4480
- snail mail at:
DREAMDAZE 3714 W Dempster #207 Skokie, IL 60077 USA
During a live show, DJ Dazed does more than sit at a card table in front of a laptop and mixer, twiddling knobs.
A DREAMDAZE show is a multi-sensory theatrical experience guaranteed to open the skull of an audience.
DREAMDAZE employs smoke machines, lasers, dramatic lighting and live video mixing, along with his signature experimental electronica, to alter the audience's reality.
With his face masked in white paint, DJ Dazed leads the procession in the striking garb of The High Priest of Electronica, standing 8' tall (on stilts) in a chin-to-floor white robe.
A DREAMDAZE performance is not soon forgotten.